Everyday Skin Tips For Healthier Skin At Any Age

Now I know everyone has probably heard this 100 times before but drinking water (lots of it in fact) is proven to help your skin by flushing out all the toxins and nasty chemicals that are in your body! The average person should be drinking 2 litres of water a day to keep their body hydrated. Drinking water is SO important for healthy, moisturised skin and it can also help you think, focus and concentrate better! It also has the added bonus of boosting your energy levels (which will help you to get through that Monday morning meeting!). If you don’t like the taste of water fear not; you can always add fruit such as lemon, lime or my personal favourite orange, to give it that fresh fruity taste!
Your Face
When looking after your skin, less is more. I have found that the less chemicals and rubbish I put on my face the more healthier and softer it feels. The golden rule when it comes to your face, is always (and we mean always) take your make-up off! Removing your make-up before hitting the sheets allows your skin to breathe overnight and will reduce the risk of your pores becoming clogged.
In terms of what to put on your skin, avoiding products with perfumes and synthetic chemicals is the way to go! Cleansing your skin is very important as it removes the dirt and oil that has got onto your skin throughout the day. However, when cleansing be careful to avoid heavy duty cleansers that strip your skin of its natural oils as these will dry your skin out and may result in more breakouts. Moisturising or using facial oil is another great step as it hydrates and protects your skin. Plant based facial oils and moisturisers penetrate your skin better giving you a light but deep hydration and nourishment.
You should also make sure that your products are pH balanced. What does this mean? It basically means that their pH is in sync with your skin so the product gently complements your natural sebum that your body produces without irritating your skin. Have I mentioned that all of our face oils do just that?!
Beauty Sleep
Do: Try to get at least 8 hours of sleep a night. Now I know that is easier said than done, as all of us are guilty of staying up way past our bedtime! However, if you don’t get enough sleep your skin gets tired too. Yes, the dreaded eye bags. So, don’t risk it, or at least don't do it often, your skin needs its beauty sleep!
Protect your skin
When I go on holiday I make sure to put lots of sunscreen on and apply the right SPF for my skin tone. Applying sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or more will help to block both UVA and UVB rays. If you don’t apply sunscreen to your body (not just your face) sun exposure can cause wrinkles, age spots and other skin problems! Also, I quick reminder, as I am just as guilty as you guys, the sun can still damage your skin even if you can’t see it! Sometimes it’s easy to forget to apply sunscreen when its cloudy or cold outside (most of the British summer), however the UV rays are still there and can still damage your skin.
Let it breathe
My final tip is to give your skin a break! We all need a break once in a while, and so does your skin. There’s no harm in leaving the house not wearing make-up (it gets easier the more often you do it) and I make sure to spend at least 2 days a week make-up free. It’s beneficial to give your skin a break and sometimes the make-up you’re applying can be the reason for your breakouts!
I hope you enjoyed reading my top everyday tips for keeping your skin healthy and nourished! Here at Miss Organics my aim is to empower you to stay natural as creating a healthy you starts from within.
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